Book Detail

TWICE BROKEN by Angela Adkins


by Angela Adkins

Pages: 320

Dimensions: 6 x 9

  • FICTION - Christian - Biblical
  • FICTION - Christian - Historical
  • FICTION - Christian - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9798868500336

Price : $18.99

Twice Broken was birthed from a desire that women of all ages would know their value and realize nothing they experience is too ugly or too difficult for God to restore.
Broken down, abused, tormented, and without hope; this was Mary’s world. Unexpectedly rescued from a certain and painful death, she rediscovered roots she didn’t know she had, experienced love and intimacy she never thought possible, and found herself on an incredible journey into destiny. You will find yourself crying, laughing, and relating to Mary’s story. Once you pick up the book, you won’t want to put it down!

Author Photo

Angela Adkins, author of Twice Broken, was born in Michigan City, Indiana, and moved to Florida in 2001. There she met her husband, Seth, and together they have six children. Seth and Angela were youth and college pastors in Sarasota, FL until 2010. In 2010, they planted a church in Bradenton, Florida. In 2018 the Lord called them to Ohio, where they currently pastor the River in Delta in Delta, OH, and are actively planting churches and discipleship groups. Angela has been ministering in healing of the heart since 2008, and is the founder of Inspired Women, a community of women in Ohio gathering to energize their faith and grow with God.
Angela has a passion for people to receive healing, find freedom, and be released into their destiny. She loves to see people meet Jesus in a radical way and be discipled to bring change to culture across the globe. 
She has authored a workbook and developed a course called “Heart Sessions with Jesus: Basic Tools to Healing and Freedom.” 
Contact Angela at for more info on speaking engagements, workshops, heart sessions, and more. You can also find her books and resources on the website as well. 

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