Book Detail

Journey Through the Feasts of the Lord by Apostle Fred Stapleton

Journey Through the Feasts of the Lord

by Apostle Fred Stapleton

Pages: 312

Dimensions: 4 x 6

  • BIBLES - Christian Standard Bible - Reading
  • RELIGION - Biblical Studies - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9798868500961

Price : $31.49

This book will be available to purchase on
September 18, 2024.

My desire is as you’ve read and studied “Journey through the Feasts of the Lord,” you have discovered the Feasts are connected to major events in history. They are marked by the times of the Feasts of the Lord. For example, the Feast of Trumpets commemorate the “birthday of the world,” the day of the creation of Adam and Eve, at Rosh Hashanah, which is also the Jewish New Year. God gave the law and 10 commandments to Moses at Mount Sinai during the time of Pentecost. The major events in Christ’s redemption of mankind are tied to the three main feasts: Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. Jesus had to die during the Feast of Passover. He could not have died at any other time because He is the sacrificial lamb given for the sin (sin not sins, speaking of the sin nature) of the whole world. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus said the Father would send in His name, occurred at Pentecost. And the Feast of Tabernacles is related to Jesus’ second coming in all His Fulness and Glory, and the Marriage of the Lamb! We saw how the Throne of Judgment has become a Throne of Grace! Many are beginning to follow the Feast of the Lord again. The Tabernacle of the David is truly being Restored in these last days! You have unearthed treasures not seen by the natural eye but by a fresh understanding of the Feasts of Lord! You have only just begun. Keep digging for the Treasures of the Lord!

Author Photo

Apostle Fred Stapleton and his wife, Connie, have ministered internationally for over 38 years. At age 16, he began ministering as a youth pastor and evangelist at Blue Ridge Mountain Church in Elk Park, North Carolina, where he served for 29 years. In 2004, Fred and Connie founded Cornerstone Covenant Church in Hudson, North Carolina, where they pastored for 14 years. Currently, they are the directors of Cornerstone Covenant World Missions. They train and send mission teams throughout the world. They have four beautiful daughters, four exceptionally sons-in-laws, and eight wonderful grandchildren, and live in Granite Falls, North Carolina.

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