Book Detail

RHONDA'S TIDBITS by Rhonda Berrien


From Living To Reigning

by Rhonda Berrien

Pages: 146

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

  • RELIGION - Biblical Commentary - General
  • RELIGION - Christian Life - Devotional
  • RELIGION - Christian Life - Inspirational

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9798868501487

Price : $14.49

This book will be available to purchase on
September 30, 2024.

This book is to encourage the people of God to see themselves in the same light that God sees us and created us to be. God’s word is our manual for living a victorious life on this earth. We live by faith through the finished work of Jesus! We were created to reign.

Author Photo

This book is to encourage the people of God to see themselves in the same light that God sees us and created us to be. God’s word is our manual for living a victorious life on this earth. We live by faith through the finished work of Jesus! We were created to reign.

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