Understanding Spiritual Wisdom
by Dion Griffith
Pages: 228
Dimensions: 5 x 8
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9798868505836
Price : $16.99
Type : Dust Jacket
ISBN : 9798868505843
Price : $30.99
Understanding Spiritual Wisdom is the writing form personal hands-on experience with works by faith and one on one communion with Father God, Jesus our Lord and the Holy Ghost Spirit of Truth. Finding my way through the path God has set before me, teaching the fore runner examples from days gone by, Moses to John the Baptist to Jesus to the Holy Ghost to the Father God. Receiving and learning the Gift and works of Discernment. In the time of the end, you will need discernment on the everyday walk of righteousness, finding that place Jesus prayed for us in the darkest of nights, in the garden where Jesus asks the disciple Peter, “Could ye not watch with me one hour?” Jesus prayed to Father God that He would give His people the same LOVE wherewith the Father loved Jesus. Even so Lord come quickly.
Dion started his life’s journey 60+ years ago in a small town in eastern Kentucky. Raised by his grandparents. The love and caring they showed him was beyond what words could define. Dion walked a path that led him to many places and many different challenges. With searching for truth this road has brought him to a place where Gods peace and love can abound. Joy is found in the smallest of places and overflowing his cup. Dion and his bride now reside in Washington State enjoying the many wonders of Gods creations. Preparing for that Father God has instore for them next.