Book Detail

A Parallel of Words by DrLightfoot777

A Parallel of Words

by DrLightfoot777

Pages: 850

Dimensions: 6 x 9

  • PSYCHOLOGY - Psychopathology - Addiction
  • SELF-HELP - Self-Management - General
  • STUDY AIDS - Professional

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9798868506260

Price : $38.99

This book will be available to purchase on
March 15, 2025.

There are numerous accounts_import (over seventy-five) where God (Jehovah Rapha - Our Healer) has delivered individuals from all sorts of sicknesses, diseases and troubles, which required restoration and/or transformation. The only precursor or predecessor that was needed to be done before any healing manifested was to have faith/conviction as a grain of a mustard seed. I thoroughly accept as true out of my own experience (because I too have been in your situation too); that God (Yahweh - I AM) wants to heal you, deliver you and transform you into a new and fresh being just as He said that He would. For He is not a man that He should lie, nor the Son of man that He should repent (cf. Numbers 23:19). He has done it with other individuals absolutely, totally, and completely!!! Once again, the only antecedent that has to be involved before any healing can take place is faith. For with faith you can move mountains (cf. Matthew 17:17-20).

Author Photo

I Rev. Anthony Lightfoot D.D. MFT. am very priviledged to be the author of this manuscript. Let me first of all say that the reason that I input my title of who I am is not so much as to have you to praise me for my accomplishments but to let you know most definitely that God (Elohim - Father, Son, & Holy Spirit) gets all of the glory, honor and the praise for assisting me with everything that I am and who I hope to become. You see for sixteen years ago (Dec. 13, 1994) I was strung out on Crack Cocaine, Nicotine, Phencyclidine (PCP), Cannibis (weed), and Alcohol but “He saw the best in me” and every since “He sees me for who I am” not for what I have done. He delivered me totally and I do not suffer with that incomprehensible demoralization any longer. This is why i insert this information so that I can give someone hope, optimism and expectation. For the reason that, if you without any reservation(s) can turn your will and life over to the care of God (El Shaddai - Almighty) He can and will deliver you too. He is like Coca-Cola “the real thing.”

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