Investigating Old Testament prophecies in the light of Church Age realities
by William M. Templeton
Pages: 380
Dimensions: 7.5 x 9.25
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9798868507137
Price : $27.99
This book will be available to purchase on
February 24, 2025.
Understanding Daniel is a complete, verse-by-verse commentary. Though it is theologically and doctrinally correct, it is written in easy-to-understand terms. This book is useful to the pastor, teacher, Bible teacher and Sunday School teachers. Daniel is full of prophecy and much of it is coming to pass right before our eyes today. This book will help the reader undrestand some of the events that are taking place in a “World Gone Mad”.
“Those desiring a helpful and practical commentary from a classical Dispensational perspective need to look no further! William Templeton should be commended for writing a very accessible and informative commentary on the book of Daniel.”
Dr. Rob Pochek
Senior Pastor
First Baptist Church
Charlottesville, VA
WILLIAM TEMPLETON has been pastoring churches for more than fifty years. He is married to the former Bonita Arlene Irby. The Templeton’s have four grown children and eleven grandchildren. William Templeton attended Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University from 1969 through 1972. He then transferred to what is now Liberty University where he majored in pastoral studies and theology. William has been studying Scripture for most of his life in an effort to bring the Word of God to every person in a clear and understandable fashion.
Other books by William Templeton
How to Make Your Dating Years FUN!
The Chronology of the Revelation
Clear Answers to Murky Questions
Understanding Genesis
Understanding Acts – Volume One
Understanding Acts – Volume Two
Understanding Revelation
Understanding Philippians