Book Detail

Blood and Ink by Steven W. Sorrell

Blood and Ink

A Primer of Early Christian Thought

by Steven W. Sorrell

Pages: 190

Dimensions: 5 x 8

  • HISTORY - Study & Teaching
  • PHILOSOPHY - Religious
  • BIBLES - General

Type : Paperback

ISBN : 9798868507953

Price : $15.99

From the time of the early church until the present, Christian thinkers thought about and reflect upon the great truths of Scripture. Faith seeking understanding, this one of the themes of the church as they wrestled with the principles expressing love, faith, and the knowledge of God. Many of these treasured saints have sought to develop doctrines and traditions first thought of by the early church into a systematic display of the depths of expression found in the Bible. Armed with a heart for God and a sharp mind they were seekers of the way, an ardent diligent search for truth. The venture we’re about to travel on involves the many ways in which Christians have fought and express themselves over the last 2000 years. From the very beginning Paul told Timothy to think over these things that I say and the Lord will give you understanding. (2 Tim. 2:7)
We in the Protestant church know little about the history of the church before the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s. It seems to be emphasized more in the Catholic Church. This rich and lasting testimony of the saints who are in search of deeper truths is handed down to us so that we will continue the intellectual and prophetic story, or the flow of the truth. A careful tracking of key issues that form the coming together of the Christian beliefs and to Reconcile faith and reason and the philosophical and prophetic spirit that has run throughout Church history.

Author Photo

Dear Reader, I am an Army Veteran, former History teacher, secondary education, A former Chaplain at a Rehabilitation  Center, Also working in various ministries and outreaches in the church. I have a Masters Degree in History and Theology. Evangelical Theological Seminary. I live in Florida, love dogs and coffee.

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