by Wilsonja Graydon
Pages: 122
Dimensions: 6.14 x 9.21
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9798868508158
Price : $13.49
This book will be available to purchase on
February 24, 2025.
When prayer is NOT ushered unto God properly, it is considered to NOT be effectual. This causes the prayer to go unanswered, therefore, yielding NO results or resolve. I personally experienced having my prayers be of NO EFFECT. As a result of my prayers not being answered, it caused me to feel frustrated, confused, and forsaken. BUT GOD! When I learned how to PRAY, I was no longer the enemy’s prey, because now my prayers were effectual, fervent, and ANSWERED. I transformed from being unsure to CONFIDENT with BOLDNESS, a victim to a VICTOR, and being more than a CONQUEROR. I desire for you to experience ANSWERED prayers as well. You can do so by speaking righteously, because what flows from the righteous lips, is IT IS WRITTEN, God’s word. This makes the prayers effective, and therefore ANSWERED. So, ONLY pray IT IS WRITTEN, God’s word!
WILSONJA GRAYDON is a righteous servant, friend, and vessel of God. She was born and raised in the state of Georgia, in a small city called Albany. This special place is where her mom and dad trained her up as a child, by introducing her to God and His LOVE. This training and introduction to God SAVED her LIFE! Knowing God and His LOVE is what loved her when she didn’t know how to love herself. It kept her when she was in harm’s way, and it truly accepted her back when she was led astray. God DELIVERED her through PRAYER, because she prayed IT IS WRITTEN, God’s word. Wilsonja now resides in the state of Florida. She is dedicated to letting the light of God shine in and through her amongst men; teaching and guiding them according to God’s will and plan. She truly walks and lives in God’s PURPOSE!