We are all alike in many ways, no matter our size, color, weight, or any other differences between one another, we are all ''Her.''
by Angela Deese
Pages: 218
Dimensions: 6 x 9
CategoryType : Paperback
ISBN : 9781545665466
Price : $16.49
In this non-fiction book of profound biblical teaching, Angela explores various female characters of the Bible, and what we can learn from them. With powerful scriptural references and relatable perspectives of these female characters, Angela inspires women to see their own similarities to them, and to learn how to develop a closer relationship to God.
Angela uses a wide variety of different types of women from the Bible which successfully allows women of different ages and backgrounds to identify with the characters within the book. Each chapter showcases the uniqueness and individuality of women’s roles and purpose in God’s Word. Angela encourages women to live out their own stories as well and to experience the fullness of God’s grace.
Angela has provided and effective balance of Biblical times and modern-day life in the chapters within this book. She has shown her transparency in the stories and what makes us all “Her” that woman that needs a mentor to look up too. I am Her is a book that all women can relate too and learn from no matter where you are at in your relationship with God.
From the beginning of this book Angela will draw you in with excitement and interest, and encourage you to be “Her” that godly woman that never gives up.